Life is like a river. Born in the violence of clashing rainclouds with the echoes of thunder and flashes of lightning, water falls from the heavens.This is the beginning of life, much like the birth of a newborn, who comes to this world screaming for air.
Calmness soon follows after, as water settles on earth, running down the sides of mountains to join small streams and other pockets of water. The pace of life soon starts to pick up, as the flowing water gets faster and wilder. From streams the flow of water will mature into large rivers, flowing in their full majestic might.From here on, the river will go through many phases, just as we humans would go through in life. At certain times, the river is wide. The water calm, serene and peaceful. Life is good, and we are content.The rules of nature does not allow this to go on forever. There are certain periods of time when the river will be restricted, flowing through narrow ravines, littered with razor sharp rocks. The body of water violently crashes on the banks,with full fury and awesome power. These represent the troubles that one must go through in life. It is inevitable, as troubles would come and plague us at every opportunity. Like the river, we must continue flowing, come what may. Jagged rocks, whirlpools or any other obstacles must be faced head on.
There are times when i want to give up, and just let the winds of fate take me wherever it wants me to. But in that moment of weakness i realise things. I realise that there really is no such thing as fate, and that man controls his own destiny to a large extent, with luck guiding a significant proportion. We have 2 choices in life, either we fight and struggle in our present situation in order to achieve our dreams and goals, or we stay content, and allow the situation to remain as they are. the status quo. To remain with the status quo is to bow low and to submit yourself to defeat, just as a river submits when its awesome power is confined within a dam. To struggle against the present, is to break free from that dam, and continue flowing will full force, living life the way you intend to, not constrained by any other factor.Living life to the fullest.
There are times when the river will go through violent incarnations as waterfalls, when the world comes crashing down on you. Everything is your fault, everything you do is wrong. Negative negative negative. You feel down, your self esteem drops. But what does the river do? The river falls, and crashes to another bed of jagged rocks, but it collects itself in a fresh pool of water, and it flows on. We pick ourselves up and we go on with life,with a fresh start. Within our lifetime we may meet many jagged rocks, rapids, whirlpools dams and waterfalls. All we can do is to keep on flowing. We must keep on flowing, because at the end of the day, when all is said and done, the river of life flows on into the vast ocean of eternity where our purpose in life will finally be fulfilled, where the pains of getting there would just be a distant memory of the past. And this is where we will live, until the day we are called back to the heavens, and begin another journey of life.