hahah ok enough random scribblings..
Have been extremely busy this past week, and the weeks before that as this blog can testify.
I've just completed a presentation on immunohistochem which sucked just about that much of my life. Heres some nice photos to look at..
ooo spleen cross section XD. Stained with oxidized diaminobenzidine and counterstained with haemotoxylin. Butterfly looking thingy in the middle is the PALS surrounded by primary follicles and marginal zones.
This is....a strip of bacon! its cheaper to buy it in central market than in coles supermarket. +_+
Actually its a section of the lamina propia, and i dont think it can be found in any supermarket.
ok enough with brown boring pictures..
I still have a few urgent things to pass up this month. A completed daybook for micro, a literature review and full length report for genetics.
then final exams and sem over! Muck about in adelaide for a week plus plus then fly home to msia, 2 weeks in KL, xmas in kuching as usual then back to my beloved hometown of miri.
Ok, now i want to bitch about how much weight ive gained.
7kgs to be exact..want to see how much 7 kg changes someone?
i show u..
Before 7kg weight gain:
me and my ex-wife rachel, after she left to uk we got a divorce coz she cheated on me on some random brit lad she met in a chem eng pub crawl.Thats the reason why i gained 7 kilos..because i was so depressed
7kgs later.
This is judith lee. shes not my wife but somehow she looks pregnant..not mine thats for sure...at least i think so..oops. hahahahaha!(Judith if u ever read this please dont kill me, consider ur slippers FOC haha!)
ok, short term goal, 10kg loss. Long term goal 20-25kg. *rocky theme song starts*
Ok lah, enough for today..ill give a picture guide of my work lab soon..if i have the time. Chowz