Trapped in the quiet solitude of constant worries i find myself humbled.
I am not what i thought i was, nor am i what i want to be.
Flashbacks of past memories haunt me again.
Shame, disappointment and all thoughts of negativity.
To strive for what is right in a world of wrongs is laughable.
I have always had a strong belief, that i have the ability to soar, soar as high as i want to.
Believing with all my heart and soul that i and i alone, am the master of my own destiny.
In the joy of success i have abandoned all that is important.
In the pursuit of perfection i have hurt others around me.
In the arrogance of knowledge, i have turned on my own creator,
and in the belief of my own ability, I have misled myself.
So now as i sit in realization of my own neglect, i realize that i am nothing.
I cannot do it.
This will be the death of me.