Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Alas, boredom has led me back to this wretched blog. I swore i gave up writing for good..until i got hurt which resulted in me being confined to my bed for most of the day.

So lets re-wind to about a month ago.

I was in the Uni gym, pretending to be iron man. I ran 30 minutes on the threadmill, 10 minutes on the speed cycle and a further 20 minutes on another cardio machine of some sorts. Went on to lift weights that were way to heavy for me. And this was my first decent workout in weeks thanks to deadlines etc.

I woke up the next morning feeling awfully sore, especially in my calves and chest. Typical post workout sensations i thought to myself. But then theres this unusual pain on my lower back, and it seems to radiate to my left butt cheek and left thigh through the calves and into the ankles.

Very unusual. But i convinced myself that its just a pulled muscle of somesort..hey..what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right? So i went gyming again! Doing the same routine albeit abit hindered by the muscular and back pain. Running 4 kms was tougher than usual and resulted in me getting charlie horse-calve- cramps.

The pain has just begun.

Over the next few days i faced excrutiating calve cramps whenever i walked, an extremely annoying muscle restlessness and general discomfort whever i sit and agonizing dilibitating pains whenever i got up from sitting.

I tried whatever i knew, from counterpain to massage, all failed. Out of desperation i tried Ibuprofen and that seemed to relieve the pain for 4-6 hours.

I went to the doctor after enduring weeks of the pain. He took one look at me and said " You have Sciatica."

What? Whats that?

"Sciatica, S-C-I-A-T-I-C-A, here you can google it, but essentially it meants your sciatic nerve is irritated by a herniated disc on your lumbar"

My mind focused on the words Nerve, Lumbar, Herniated and Disc. And i knew that was bad enough!

So fast forward to today.

Here i am spending 75% of my day on the bed, doing useless things like studying the art of infantry warfare and reading history books. I have a scheduled appointment with an orthopedic surgeon this friday at University Malaya Medical Centre. I just hope that he doesnt recommend surgery. My australian doctor told me that surgery was a last option, and this opinion was seconded by my physio who was convinced that the injury was due to bad sitting posture =.="

So lets see what the surgeon says!

Best scenario:

"aiya, small case la yours..should be in a few weeks you wont feel the pain ady la..continue taking your current medication and dont go clubbing ok?."

Worst case:

" Im sorry to say that damage to the L3 and L4 is pretty extensive....MRI confirms highly gym for a year post surgery. And no clubbing ok?"

Please pray for scenario one!!!!!

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