Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trapped in the quiet solitude of constant worries i find myself humbled.

I am not what i thought i was, nor am i what i want to be.

Flashbacks of past memories haunt me again.

Shame, disappointment and all thoughts of negativity.

To strive for what is right in a world of wrongs is laughable.

I have always had a strong belief, that i have the ability to soar, soar as high as i want to.

Believing with all my heart and soul that i and i alone, am the master of my own destiny.

In the joy of success i have abandoned all that is important.

In the pursuit of perfection i have hurt others around me.

In the arrogance of knowledge, i have turned on my own creator,

and in the belief of my own ability, I have misled myself.

So now as i sit in realization of my own neglect, i realize that i am nothing.

I cannot do it.

This will be the death of me.


Rudi said...

When we are weak, He is strong

Casey said...

should be careful: when a person finds themselves at one extreme, it is often too common that they bounce to the other. Balance may be required, but don't give up on the indomitable impetus that makes you who you are.