Monday, November 26, 2007

ways to annoy people

ok, evidently im quite a random person. I might seem annoying to some people so i might as well come clean. I am annoying. so being the generous person that i am,Ill pass on my knowledge to the younger blog savvy generation. Nah! A few easy steps to be annoying Joshua style

1. mumble..

ah yes, the most fundamental step to be annoying. When ure not happy with someone or disagree about something, or even just wanna piss someone off for the fun of it all you have to do is trail of when conversing with someone and murmur something incoherent

2. instead of just saying something, present it in a more creative way

for instance, when a friend asks "hey josh, guess what happened to me just now?"
you reply with Mario Winan's song- I Dont want to know

I dont want to know,
If you're playing me keep it on the low,
coz my heart cant take it anymore,
if ure greavin' please dont let it show
ooh baby,
I dont want to know..

add more feel to it by doing appropriate hand actions like pointing and putting both hands to your chest..can also put on a 'pained' look.

3. play the 'colop' game..might incite some racial feelings so i wouldnt discuss the rules here. Find me on msn if ure interested to know more hahaha!

4. Back in secondary school, the guys used to main burit. yes, literally play with each other's ass.
i know it sounds gay to the max, but trust me..most frens of mine who played this as far as i know, are straight. It involves using the ass crack as an avenue to swipe ' credit cards' or 'bonuslink cards' or whatever other card you can think of. It is really annoying when ure walking up the stairs and some one uses a bonuslink card on you( btw, when i say card, they dont actually use cards. go figure..)

WARNING:please dont do this to girls unless ure interested in serving prison sentences for sexual harassment. Then in prison u can really get your ass played with..not in a nice way.

5. Instead of just greeting a girl, wink one eye and do the cowboy pistol sign followed by a lame statement like" hello there, pretty." if u really want to add to the 'annoyingness' u can just add something like "well no wonder the day is so beautiful, its because you're in town" followed by another wink. HAhaHA!!! my a-levels classmates can bear testament to this.

pretty lame and silly stuff. Wrote this for fun so dont actually go and try on strangers lest you ruin your social life like i have. and also special credits to my cousin jeff who introduced me to step no.2. Boy, its no wonder that im still single HAH!

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