Thursday, January 17, 2008

crazy thursdays

as i said,thursdays are a bitch..8am-6pm with only a one hour break..i went through it for the first time yesterday. Surprisingly i was ok despite not having lunch. I did however survive on Ritz cheese biscuits,oranges and some of vivians biscuits haha!

me and michelle in the computer lab..i was eating my cheese biscuits...still insist on taking photos again.Got a penyibuk at the back there also haha!

I was totally depleted by the time BIO119 started(4-6pm lecture)..i remember vaguely the lecturer talking about a comet..*wooossshhh bom!*Pshhhtttt*(her very own sound fx) causing mass extinction among terrestial specieses..and something about a molecular clock..other than that i was totally stoned..
I felt kinda sorry for the lecturer, because we were so dead..and she was soooo full of spirit to teach..despite having lots of the syllabus to cover, she decided let us out early after hearing our tragic tale..
Managed to grab a bite to eat before attending the Life Science Society meeting..this wan because kena paksa by wendy la, Wendy liu from the 4th sem hahahaha!Nah, i promo ur name on my blog..our boss(chairperson la) in the life science society. Meeting ended around 7 something, and i went back to my room feeling like a corpse..still i had chem assignment and math to complete due the next rest for the wicked. so technically, i was working from like 8am-11pm..with a few breaks in between of course..i cant wait for next thursday..oh joy..


wendliu said...

gosh... i don't need any promo... my name ... T.T ... but hey.. am thankful u came k... *bleh*

wendliu said...
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