Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flight update.

For all of u who've been pestering me about when im flying:

11th July 2130 from KLIA direct flight to Adelaide.

Will arrive the next day at 0630.

Lets hope the person who sits on 22-G turns out to be a pretty female-student-enrolling-in-Adelaide then at least the long flight wont be as boring ;)

-signing out-


Audit Diva said...

need me to pick u up at airport?

no need pretty girl lah - watch the movies instead. :P

Boredjoe said...

yeah it would be great if u could fetch me. And i need to rent a place for 3 days coz i only move in on the 15th..mum says can find a room at the building ure staying or sumthin like tht

Evangelynn said...

josh! hope to see in u OZ! come visit me in perth lah! hehe

Boredjoe said...

haha perth so far away..once i settle downla ill go perth,melb etc.Visit mdm ling hahaha

Audit Diva said...

wot?? she didn't say anything about renting a room for 3 days. i'll take a look - you might need to stay in a hostel/hotel, my building has serviced apartments and they are all 2 bedrooms or more which is more than you need. i'll take a look around and let you know.

ok can fetch. confirm closer to the date.

Evangelynn said...

josh! yaya!!! if u come to perth I will tell mdm ling u are in perth! i am sure she will be very happy to see u in perth! she will invite u to the house for dinner! ahaha